Hey this week we’ve got the old guy, talking about old ice. Hi, I’m Mickey Anderson from Fish Tech with this week’s fishing report.
Old ice is cloudy ice. It’s not as strong as clear ice and it’s not going to support as much weight. On a lot of lakes right now, what’s happening, is a lot of water levels is raising. Pulling that ice away from the edge. When you are coming out in the morning you are going to be able to walk right out on it, when you are trying to get off at night, you might break through that cloudy ice and have no way to get off the ice.
This time of year the snow is melting and a lot of the water is running off the hills and coming right across the lake and it sits and the snow is going to insulate it and it’s not going to freeze and you’ve got these water pockets. Stay out of the water. My favorite tool is this throw-able lifejacket. I can sit on it, I can kneel on it or if someone goes through. I can throw it to them. Keep your reels out of the water with a rod holder, keep a gear out of the water by just dropping it in your bucket.
The biggest problem with water on the ice is the slush, especially if you are a snowmobiler. Make sure you’ve got the gear to dig your way out and a way to call somebody for help because it’s a long ways off the ice.
Hey for these late season ice safety tips and a whole lot more, come on down to Fish Tech and we’ll help you out.
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