Thanks for tuning into KSL Outdoors, I’m Adam Eakle and let me introduce you to the Twin Territory boys. We’ve got little Cameron on the end, AJ and Jace and guys I brought you up to a place that I grew up fishing. You excited, you’ve never been here. Yeah we’ve never been here, should be a ton of fun, we are super excited. Yeah there are fish jumping everywhere. There are fish jumping they are ready to go, chomping at the bit, we’ve got their pontoons loaded up we are going to go hit the lake and maybe the river a little later on.
I first met the Garcia boys in the summer of two thousand and twelve.
Here he comes, woo hoo. Alright. yes.
The twins, AJ and Jace were only 13 years old. I found out that these boys, including their little brother Cameron were avid fly fisherman who wanted a way to share their love of the outdoors with other youth. So they started a website called A site where they could relay information and influence other kids to give the outdoors a try.
So the reason we are doing it is just for the kids. We want them to get back outside. The outdoor industry, period, is dying and we’ve noticed that as we’ve gotten older. And we really want to bring that industry back because who wouldn’t want to come out here and enjoy this beautiful country that we live in.
You can check out the 222 events by Twin Territory.
Since then the boys have spread their mission at the International Sportsman’s Expo.
We watched them fish and clean up garbage on the lower Provo.
Yeah! there’s two.
They even took me to one of their favorite ice fishing destinations in Idaho. So today, it was my turn to return the favor and to find out what is in store for these three boys.
Just sit down. Oh man I could so, wreck him right now. Ok, bend your knees, just go back.
Got a fish!
W hat did you get it on? Little leach.
So we are starting another branch it’s going to be partners with Twin Territory. We are going to call it Operation Friend and we are going to be taking military kids out while their parents are deployed.
Nice little guy. Not bad. We’ll take that for a start.
not only that but we are still able to join our school DECA team. Sounds like we are going to be able to go to a national competition next year in Anahiem.
Because of Twin Territory. Our DECA teacher just told us that we have the world right now and as soon as we get into DECA we’ll have the universe. So that’s going to be really exciting.
these boys have taken the fly fishing industry by storm. They’ve become the face of fly fishing in Utah for anyone under 18.
Come here little fishy.
That was our goal to become the face for it so we can introduce younger kids into the sport to show them that it’s not just an old mans sport.
So what does this old man do. I grab a conventional rod, bait it with a red sided shiner and throw it over board to try and catch a big tiger trout. The boys were not impressed. At least not yet.
We are cheating. Doesn’t count. The boys are saying it doesn’t count but I’ll tell you what it’s a fish. I hoping it’s a tiger trout. Oh he’s going psychotic.
Oh, it doesn’t count but he’s pretty.
Tangled up. Look at that. A nice, beautiful tiger trout. The boys say I was cheating and I was but I wanted to see a tiger trout.
They’ve been putting these in here since 2008 and there are some big ones in here.
You did cheat, but it paid off right? You got a really big fish. I didn’t cheat and I’m wishing I should have.
There he is. Oh it’s a good one. Big tiger.
It was supposed to be on the fly but I just had to see if there were tiger trout in here. This looks like a good three, four pound fish.
Oh yeah it’s a nice fish. Dude, you might need to net this Al.
There he is. Right below us. Oh. I’m to the bubble. Holy cow. Dude that’s a…That has got some shoulders.
Oh my gosh. That’s sweet. Oh I wish it was on a fly rod.
That’s the biggest tiger I’ve ever caught. It’s over 24. Oh yeah.
Holy cow. Oh my gosh! That thing is huge. How cool is that. That is awesome.
Well that is the catch of the day so far. I was cheating, red sided shiner but a beautiful fish. We wanted to show you what is up here. You know they’ve got cutthroat and rainbows healthy populations and some good cutthroat up here.
I heard the strip set kid. Oh man Jace isn’t going to live this one down. That looks like a… keep it tight! Looks like a decent fish.
I’m coming Cam, I’ve got the net.
You know, AJ and Jace have done a great job with Twin Territory, and they’ve also had some help from their little brother Cameron. Cameron has now taken this family to a new level in fly fishing.
We were invited to go to the Go Pro games. I think there was 82 participants. He took tenth in the first qualifying. Um, took 6th in the second round and then he took sixth overall, second with the biggest fish. He was amazing.
There’s all the best casters in the country go to that competition and he took 6th! Like what the heck?
He was in the top ten! Was that hard to stomach? Yeah that was hard to stomach. Why wouldn’t it be? We got beat by a twelve year old!
Nice tiger. Yea! I’m on the board! Give me some slack. Whooo!
I was proud of him though. You have to be proud of him. It’s a good thing. It helps build his confidence.
Pretty fish. Nice. Look at the colors. That is a pretty fish.
Are you further along at fly fishing at twelve, than they were at twelve? Yeah. Who do you have to thank for that? my dad.
He owes a lot to them. They go fishing a lot together, they talk, they go do things. I would have died to have older brothers like them.
He left happy go lucky. Just like me. Hey AJ thanks for the net. I mean thanks for the net. Throw it to me. No, no, no. I mean thanks for the net.
Cam is a little fireball who can hold his own when it comes to fly fishing and when it comes to sibling rivalry. He’s also helped out his brothers with their events. Yea I go him. Something they call…two, two, two.
222 is events we try to hold every other month. Because there is two of us and we are twins, every second month on the second Saturday at 2 o’clock we hold an event that is free to kids or we try to.
One of their events that was a huge success was Zombie fishing last October.
Everyone loves zombie’s why not make it a fishing competition as well. Have it in October around Halloween time. It would be a lot of fun. It was a pretty good success last year. We had around 300 people I think show up. we filled the parking lot and the road going out of Farmington Pond.
And these kids don’t limit themselves to just fishing. They’ve also held events for kids who want to learn to hunt. Like the archery tag event they held this spring. It’s like dodgeball but with bows.
I think we had around 75 kids to that event. That was by far one of the most fun things I’ve ever done. I really, really want to do that again. It was really fun shooting you.
h nice!
Pretty little guy. Broke my skunk, that’s the good part. Nice. What did he take? He took my little streamer that I’m trailing under my dry.
You guys also partnered with Trout Unlimited in what way? Yea so we are the youth coordinators for our chapter down in Ogden. So it’s Weber Basin anglers so we pretty much do what we can to get the youth involved. In the projects and whatever else is going on. Fly tying. yup we’ve done fly tying classes. They’ve sent up volunteers to help us with those. We’ve actually, those have kind of died off, we are going to pick those back up here soon again. It’s going to be pretty cool.
In little creeks like this they like to stack up in the deep holes. So you’ll have 20-30 fish in one hole. So start from the back and work your way forward you can usually pull several fish out of one hole.
Oh there he is! Oh that’s a good fish.
Yup nice little brown. What did you get him on? Chubby Chernobyl.
The twins are entering their senior year in high school. Soon, they’ll be off to college and the family is already planning for the future of twin territory.
We want Cameron to take over. We want him to find a friend. Someone who is reliable for him. He isn’t there! That will help him along the way, be his twin. Keep this going and we’ll just kind of fall back. Do the emails. T he background work. We’ll still be around once he takes over but he’s going to be the face of fly fishing.
You are only 12 but where do you see yourself in another five or six years?
Better fisherman in my family. Better than my dad like how my brothers weren’t. Hopefully running Twin Territory that would be a dream come true for me.
Fish! Big fish!
This comraderie from father to son and even brother to brother is exactly what Twin Territory is passing on to other youth in Utah.
I couldn’t have asked for better kids honestly.
That’s good. Yes! Yes! It’s a good fish.
Oh that was awesome. For this little river. What do you think of that, AJ? Awesome.
Hey if people want to find out about some activities, maybe want to get them outdoors. Where do they find it? They can go to our Facebook page, that’s where we do most of our advertising for our events and stuff like that. But they can also visit our website, Very cool. Fun day. Yeah it was awesome. He we’ll be back here in just a moment but first over to Jeremiah for tonight’s Wilde Arrow, archery tech tip.
Hey Guys, Jeremiah, Wilde Arrow Archery here, hey what I want to talk to you about this week is the importance of practicing with your back pack and your binos on. You know most of the summer guys are not practicing with these articles on and it can really effect how you shoot your bow. You know when you get the shoulder straps on, it’s kind of holding your shoulders, you get the weight of your binos. It feels a lot different shooting your bows with these two things on. One of the biggest things you need to watch out for is that you don’t have any loose straps that are going to contact your string. You know these straps if they hit, can really foul or effect your shot placement. What you want to do when you start practicing is take a look at any of the loose straps or anything on the left hand side of your body if you are a right handed shooter. Make sure that there is nothing that is going to contact. What I like to do is take these straps and I use either a zip tie or a rubber band to make sure that everything stays out of my way. The other thing I focus on to, is if I’m going to use a range finder or even a water tube. I keep all of my accessories on the right hand side of my body, wind checker. That way there is nothing on my left side that has the potential to hit my string during a shot. What I want to do is pull back and make sure my string has proper clearance and I’m not going to contact anything while I’m shooting. So hey if you guys have any more questions or need any help. Make sure you make it in to Wilde Arrow. We are going to get you ready to go bow hunting this fall.
Well Kevin was forecasting some monsoon rain, clouds are building, we are about to get wet. Hey let’s turn it over to him to find out that recreation forecast.
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