Hey I wonder what the people in the valley are doing? Hi, I’m Mickey Anderson from Fish Tech with this weeks snowy report. If you don’t mind a little bit of snow. River fishing can be a lot of fun. Here’s a few tips to make it more enjoyable. First, keep your hands warm. I have water proff Kast gloves. These are great because they are thin enough I can feel the line and I don’t need to take them off while I’m fishing. I can reach in the water and grab a snag and I can hold fish. They’ve got a rubber palm on them so I’m not going to rub the slime off of fish. Next thing, is I can turn my raincoat, my outer shell into a fishing vest. I’m going to add a new little Shot Pack. This pack has my tippet, my nippers, my file, my forcepts, a fly drying patch, all on the outside. I don’t have to unzip my coat to get to all the things I’m going to use over and over again. The next thing is layering up. Make sure you put on warm dry socks before you put your waders on. Layer up so your waders can help to keep you warm. and on your top have a lot of fleece so it breathes off all this extra energy and perspiration that you are going to have. for these tips and a whole lot more come on down to Fish Tech and we’ll help you out.
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