Osprey are large raptors that feed primary on fish swimming at or just below the water surface. They often hunt from a perch in order to conserve energy but are also effective aerial hunters. In flight, Osprey may either dive directly on their prey or hover in one spot before diving.
Suitable osprey habitat is found near most Utah waters from Lake Powell in the south to Flaming Gorge in the north. Flaming Gorge hosts Utah’s largest concentration of nesting Osprey. This year, the DWR is holding an Osprey Watch on July 7th at the peninsula adjacent to the visitors center parking lot at the Flaming Gorge dam between 9am and noon. The event is open to the public and DWR personnel will have spotting scopes set up to see this effective predator. For more information check out our Utah Field Guide on our web at KSLTV.com or check out the DWR’s website at wildlife.utah.gov.
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