Another option for those wanting to catch yellow perch in Utah is Starvation Reservoir in Northeastern Utah.
(Dan Smith, Fish Tech Outfiiters) You know it’s one right after another. So if you want to take your kids out. Come on to Starvation and catch these perch. >
Starvation has been really good for the past few weeks, especially in the Rabbit Gulch area.
(hit fish) There got him. It’s a little one.>
just a baby. Not quite a keeper.>
Fishing for perch is usually quite fast, perfect for kids and for those wanting a tasty meal.
(Dan Eliason, Perch fisherman) I don’t know what it is about them but I’d much rather catch perch than trout any day of the week.>
We were catching fish anywhere from fifteen feet of water to twenty feet deep. Perch are always near the bottom and the bite is usually very light.
(Dan Eliason, Perch fisherman) and I really feel that fishing with just a fishing pole without any type of a bobber system. You are wasting your time. I’ve got a lot of friends that do that and they miss more than half, like three quarter of the fish. >
Any small ice fly will work. The bait is the biggest key to catching a lot of perch.
(Dan) Today once we caught one of the perch we took this little tool and popped an eye out and used it for bait. That’s probably one of the best baits for perch. If I had one thing to catch perch with it would be a perch eye. Now you have to get some wax worms or some meal worms first to get the perch and then you use a perch eye. So once you’ve caught a fish, you’ve got bait for the rest of the day.>
Starvation perch are averaging about four to eight inches with the occasional ten or eleven inch fish. You also have a chance at the occasional walleye, rainbow or even a few brown trout. For more information on perch fishing, be sure to check our outdoors page at
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