<(Mickey Anderson) "hi, I'm Mickey Anderson, with Jason Haslam and Tyler Barry. We are on the river today to check out some new gear and new flies.
But if you can’t make it to the river to try out all this new stuff, how about going to the Wasatch Fly tying and fly fishing expo April 6th and 7th. Jason what’s going on down there?
(jason Haslem) We’ve got a lot going on, we’ve got workshops, classes, fly tying, lots of fly tying demos. We have an accuracy contest and long distance contest as well as a bamboo fly rod casting competition. The winners will receive a lot of great prizes, all kinds of gear.”>
<(Tyler Barry) "hey if you are not ready for the competition we've got a great selection of classes. We've got beginner classes, intermediate classes even advanced classes. Mickey is even teaching a great fly casting class, you should come check it out.">
<(Jason) "yeah so at the expo we are going to have 62 fly tying and fly fishing related vendors. The most that Utah has ever had in one place. So, if you are looking to get some new gear, you've got to come down to the expo, check it out, see what's new on the market. Also we are going to have a fly casting demo pond. So you can actually come down demo new rods. (mickey) Yeah new rods, new lines, there's going to be a lot of fly tyers down there. Today we are seeing a ton of little stones, I've got some ideas, you guys have some new ideas for new flies. There is going to be 70 guys tying down there where you can come down and check them out. Maybe you have an idea in your mind, not quite sure how to tie it, somebody there might have an answer for you. Come on down and just watch them.">
<(Jason) "hey Adam, one other thing we are going to be having at the expo. Friday evening we've got our big banquet and auction. It's our big fundraiser of the year for Trout Unlimited and Federation of Fly Fishers. Starts at 6:30 pm, we still have tickets available. So you can check it out on-line at Wasatchexpo.com. We've got some killer trips up for auction, anything from Alaska, float trips on the Green River, to even some small local guides trips.">
<(Adam) "why does Fish Tech get involved with the expo?" (mickey) "oh man it's good for us, good for the whole industry. There is a lot of people going away from fishing, especially kids. This is a great way to bring kids back in and keep the industry growing.">
<(Adam) "to get into the expo, only costs 1 dollar so it's actually really economical for the entire family. If you do want to take one of the fly fishing classes, they charge about fifteen bucks, but still a good deal for a two hour class, but all the money raised goes back to Trout Unlimited and Federation of Fly Fishers right here in Utah. Coming up on KSL Outdoors, we head to Evanston to the International Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race, but first tonight fishing report with the guys back at Fish Tech.">
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