We start with this monster buck Kim took while hunting
southern Utah last year. Kim says the hunt was tough, this
buck was only one of three deer they saw the entire hunt.
Nine guys were pushed all day long and finally on the last
day on the second to last drive of the hunt, Kim connected
on this fine trophy. Kim says hard work occasionally pays
While ice fishing at Scofield, McKenzie caught a few nice
cut throats. However, the most exciting part of the day
for the family was riding out onto the lake in the 12 foot
aluminum boat pulled behind the four wheeler. Who needs
water to have fun on the lake.
Check out the big non-typical that Dan found and it looks
like he found the buck in a cemetary. This buck has been
photographed quite a bit. Dan says he didn’t seem to
concerned with him, even came closer so Dan could check
out his five by ten rack.
Brothers-in-laws Jim Webb and Lonnie Olsen are teaching
their sons the love of the outdoors. They were hunting
with their muzzleloaders when Jim shot his nice 4 x 4.
Jim’s shot scared a 4 x 5 that was sitting just 100 yards
in front of Lonnie and he too was able to connect. It was
an exciting September morning they were able to share with
their sons Jaren and Trexden The two boys still mimic
shooting the “big bucks” with their toy guns.
After 15 years of waiting, Cassie finally drew a tag for
bull elk. She hunted four hard days with her husband, dad
and son and after a little calling they were able to lure
this great 340 class bull to within 15 yards in the
timber. Cass says it was one of the greatest days in her
life, well worth the wait.
And finally our winner tonight is a season full of
memories. Dave and his year old lab Hank have had some
great hunts this year. Earlier this season he took Matt
Eggett and his son Chase on the youth waterfowl hunt. This
year for the 2nd year in a row Chase not only took his
limit of geese with four shots, he also added a bonus, HIS
FIRST BAND. Well congrats on the band Chase, but it’s Dave
who’s our winner tonight for having the snapshot of the
Remember submit your pictures and a brief explanation of
your latest outdoor adventure on-line at KSLTV.COM The
winner each week will win one of Camp Chef’s new
innovative products. Either their new Sherpa Camp Table or
the 34 hundred BTU Ranger Stove. Portability and Power
from our friends at Camp Chef.
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