Camp Chef Snapshot of the Week: 2/8/14

We kick it off with a big bow for Kyle. Kyle was up fishing Strawberry back in December, he says, the fishing wasn’t fast and furious, he only caught two. But, this thick, 27 inch rainbow made the trip, well worth it. A day Kyle will never forget.

Steve took a hike up Spanish Fork Canyon to get out of the inversion and try his luck at getting some snapshots of some deer or elk. He didn’t see any mammals, but did get a great shot of a bird, this golden eagle in flight.

This past summer Wayne made it a priority to spend as much time as he could with his two sons Riley and Conner, on the water. They floated the Green river, the boys caught their first fish on the Provo and dad also took them to Salem Pond where they caught trout, a catfish and were able to capture this sweet sunset to cap off their summer.

Herb waited 30 years for his once-in-a-lifetime Henry mountain buffalo tag and was able to share it with his brothers, Clyde and Hal. Herb says this was the first time the brothers have all hunted together in 40 years. They were able to jump this big bull, track it for two hours and finally put it down with a one hundred and forty four yard shot. Herb says, he felt blessed to have had this chance and to share it with the ones he loves.

And finally our winner tonight beat the odds by drawing a difficult sheep tag and avoided a flash flood. Kevin and his family were down on the Zion Unit for Kevin’s once in a lifetime sheep hunt. While there they encountered a huge storm that flooded the canyon floor. Kevin and his brother in law Eric were able to make it out of the canyon, while the rest of the group posed for this amazing picture on the rim.

The group was back two weeks later and Kevin ended his hunt with this beautiful 165 inch ram. Kevin says, “It was an amazing adventure from start to finish and one that my family will remember forever.” Well Kevin, here’s something you and your family can take with you, the next time you head out on the hunt, our big prize, for having our snapshot of the week.

Remember submit your pictures and a brief explanation of your latest outdoor adventures online at The winner each week wins the lightweight and portable Camp Chef Weekender-two burner stove. Plenty of power, great for camping from our friends over at Camp Chef.

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