Often referred to as “Utah’s Yellowstone.” Antelope Island has been
by some as a sanctuary for the giant mule deer bucks and the transplanted
California big horn sheep that reside there. That changed in the 2010
legislative session when the legislature passed intent language to allow two
deer hunts and two sheep hunts in an appropriations bill for Natural
In 2011, two tags were auctioned off, two more were drawn
through the public draw. The two auctioned tags were purchased by W.D.
Martin who spent nearly three hundred thousand dollars. 90% of that
money is
designated to stay on Antelope Island. Despite the money, many were still
angry with the decision.
Joe Hull, a member of the State Parks Board that voted in favor of the
says their vote was fiscally responsible.
Over two thousand people applied for the Antelope Island deer tag. Brad
Kendrick beat the odds, drawing the coveted tag
Kendrick, his brother and his closest buddies spent many days scouting for
the hunt. That’s when they ran into Doyle Moss, the outfitter who would be
guiding the auction tag holders.
Kendrick said, “a lot of times the public hunter kind of get the short end of
the stick but that wasn’t the case at all. Doyle jumped in we shared
information we scouted together. Like I said he didn’t charge me a dime. He
just wanted to be part of the hunt cause he’s spent so much time out here
summer like we had putting his heart and soul and you kind of get fond of
these animals. That bridge was gapped between the public draw and the
It was Kendrick long time hunting buddy Jeff Post who on the first day of
hunt, while walking this ridge found the buck. It was the deer Brad had
dreamed of.
Kendrick and Moss, set off on a three mile hike to get into
position. But then, the buck disappeared, dark was coming and just when it
looked like the hunters would have to wait. Kendrick sealed the deal with a
500 yard shot.
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