Hi I’m Brad Cutler with Rocky Mountain Anglers with tonight’s Fish Tech fish report. Tonight we’re going to be talking about how to bottom-bounce your spinning rig for walleyes. First thing you want to do is, you want to get a rod, like a 6 and a half, 7 foot rod, you want to have a reel with a flipping switch on it. What the flipping switch allows you to do is you’re able to release your line, drop it out, get your line down just by lifting your thumb up, it clicks back in and engages the reel. Next thing you want is a two ounce bottom bouncer and a spinning rig. What you want to do is when you hook your crawler up to your spinning rig, you hook it through the front hook, stretch your crawler out, then hook it back through the back hook, like so, so it runs straight. Most important thing in my mind is how much line you have out, it’s very critical. If you let too much line, your bottom bouncer goes down and lays down on the side and your dragging the side. So you want to have it so it’s just barely ticking the water or the bottom as you go across here. When you get a bite, what you want to do is you want to drop your rod tip back like this and then as soon as you get it all the way back, then you sweep it straight forward you don’t jerk it. If you guys have any questions on how to rig or set up on your gear, go on down to Fish Tech, those guys have been really good, over the years they have taught me a lot and given me some really good information that has mad me a lot better angler. Now for tonight’s fishing line.
Lake Powell
Fishing is as hot as the weather!
Stripped bass slurps and boils are happening lake wide.
Best technique for stripers is trolling along brush lines early morning and evenings.
Wayne asks that we “Please keep and eat the little stripers so predatory pressure on shad will be reduced.”
Green River
Fishing is good to great on A,B sections.
Some terrestrial fishing has begun, nymph fishing is excellent.
B section has some big fish this year.
Great dry fly fishing shouldn’t be far away!
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