If you enjoy using your fly rod in the Uinta’s, it’s a lot different than fishing on a river. First difference is you’ve got these great, big trees behind you so you can’t throw a good back-cast. The only cast that’s going to work is a good roll-cast, here’s how you do it.
First thing is, flip the line into the water, strip out all the extra line you need to make the cast before you try making your first cast. Raise the rod to the stop position, right here, and throw out just a forward cast. Make sure that you do this cast off the shoulder that has the line on it. Here’s what I mean.
Right now the the fly line is out here on my left side so I’m going to bring the rod up here on my left side to this point here and I can throw it this way. Now that the fly is on my right side, I’ll bring the rod up across my right shoulder and throw it back out here. If you don’t do it that way, you’re going to tangle up your line and you’re going to spend more time just untangling the line than fishing.
Practice this anytime you can, but you have to have water to practice it. You can’t practice this on the grass, you need the surface resistance of the water to make it work.
For help with this or any other cast, come on down to Fish Tech and we’ll help you out. And now for tonight’s fishing line.
Fishing has been good for brown trout and rainbows. Flows are around 85 CFS. Hoppers are starting to come out! Try using use a #14 stimulator with a light green body, elk hair caddis or parachute Adam’s. Be aware of rattlesnakes in the area!
Weber River continues to fish very well with standard nymphs (hare’s ears, prince nymphs, pheasant tails, scuds/sow bugs, and midges). fishing is the best early or late. Spinners and crankbaits have also been working well.
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