Hey, what a great time of year for dry fly fishing. Hi, I’m Mickey Anderson with Fish Tech, with this week’s caddis fishing report. Right now we’ve got PMDs, we’ve got terrestrials, and the caddis. The caddis are coming off everywhere. Here’s a couple tips that might help you out. First thing that’s overlooked. If you’re there in the morning, there’s going to be egg-laying caddis. Caddis has been hatching all day during the week, they will come together on certain spots on the river to lay eggs. They’re going to come down and touch the surface, use the surface tension to release the eggs from their abdomen, sometimes they get stuck. What you want to use is a fluttering caddis at that time. Choose a fly that looks something like this. If you’re looking through your box and you don’t see a fluttering caddis pattern, just take one of your elk hair patterns, and pull the wings out. Bring them out to the side a little bit. So try that splayed wing dry first thing in the morning. Now caddis nymphs work all day long. Have a variety of sizes and colors to fish just about anywhere. But once the hatch starts, the pupa actually work better than the adult. The pupa are inside the case, they pop out, they swim to the surface fast and fish are chasing them down, trying to get them. They hit the surface and pop out with the waterproof wing, and they’re gone pretty quick. Now it doesn’t mean dry patterns won’t work, so always have a selection of dry patterns with you as well. Hey, for these caddis tips and a whole lot more, come on down to Fish Tech and we’ll help you out.

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