For you guys that want to tie your own rigs, Walleye, Kokanee, Salmon rigs, this is how you do it. You pick a good hook, I like Gamagatsu hook. You take the first one, you run the line back through from the eye down the shank, grab ahold both line and shank. I wrap three wraps, I hold it with my finger, take the other end, push it through the eye the opposite direction, about three inches so it doesn’t get in your way. You wrap six more times. Now you grab that little tag end, and you pull it through, now you’ve got a Snelled Hook. Now to do the second one, you go back through the eye of the hook through the opposite direction because everything is going to be backwards. You set it up whatever length you want between the hooks, and repeat what you just did. Go 1, 2, 3, hold it, take the tag end, put it back through the hook, three inches, wrap 6 more wraps. Hold it with your finger, pull it through, now you got a double hook harness. If you have any questions on how to tie this, come on down to Fish Tech and I’ll show you how.
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