Tonight’s snapshots are all about the catch. Brindy is new to the sport of ice fishing and it looks like she’s off to a great start. Here she is holding a beautiful spalke she caught at Fish Lake. Dad says this eleven year old Rockstar made it look it easy.
Keani caught this nice bucketmouth down at Sand Hollow while fishing a tournament. It turned out to be his personal best at 4.4 pounds. The big fish landed Keani 3rd place in the tournament and was 2nd for big fish.
After several years of planning Jason Simpson has finally checked off a Bucket List trip to Idaho. He and his buddy traveled 30 miles up the Salmon River by jet boat and fished for three days. Jason scored this native stealhead and an endangered bull trout. They took some picutres and set them all free.
Doug and his friend Larry fished Pyramid Lake in Nevada recently. The first day they caught nothing, but on the second Doug was throwing a big black wooly bugger and landed this giant Lahontan cutthroat. Larry took this great shot and Doug promptly released the beast to fight another day.
But our winner tonight caught a lake record. Chad Bailey was fishing an undisclosed Utah reservoir with his family when he hooked up with this, estimated ten pound, 29 inch, Bonneville cutthroat trout. Chad fought the fish for five minutes. It was so thick, Chad had to squeeze it through his eight inch hole. The family took this picture of chad and his boy Colton before it was released to fight another day. A fishing adventure this father and son will relive for years to come and to help you remember it, were sending you our big prize Chad for having the snapshot of the week.
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