The 1,000th completion of the Utah Cutthroat Slam took place in September, 2022, marking a huge milestone for the fishing challenge that helps fund conservation efforts for native cutthroat trout in Utah. Launched by the Utah DWR and Trout Unlimited in 2016, the Utah Cutthroat slam is a fishing challenge that requires participants to catch Utah’s four native cutthroat trout subspecies in their native ranges. The $20 registration fee goes toward conservation projects that benefit the native species. Over $78,000 has been raised for cutthroat trout restoration since the program began. And its funded 22 conservation projects. To celebrate the 1,000 slams that have been completed, the DWR and Trout Unlimited will be releasing four new cutthroat trout medallions. The cutthroat slam is a great personal challenge that will introduce you to other drainages in the state and it’s just a fun thing to do for both old and young. For more information check out
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