[CG :2 LineRobert KenworthyDandy Tiger]
We kick it off with this dandy 22 inch tiger trout that Robert caught through the ice this year. Robert isn’t telling what northern Utah lake he caught the beast in and I don’t blame him.
[CG :2 LineKASA WILLIAMS7′, 5″ Tom for Dane]
Twelve year old Dane was lucky enough to draw a cougar tag this year on his first attempt. With the help of his family and some hounds, a nice tom was treed near Nephi and Dane did the rest. The big tom stretches the tape to seven feet, five inches.
[CG :2 LineWillie SalasRockport Grins]
Willie and his family and friends had a blast fishing at the Rockport Ice fishing contest. Big grins were abundant that day, they all already looking forward to their next Outdoor adventure. A quick note, the first tagged fish up at Rockport was turned in just last week. There is still one week left in the Rafter B ice fishing challenge.
[CG :2 LineDavid HaleWorth the drive]
Dave took a drive into Wyoming looking to photograph a few bucks on their winter range. Dave says, This buck was the highlight of his day, was very tolerant during their photo session. The buck alone was worth the 4 hour drive each way.
[CG :2 LineKADE PURSER2 bands, in 2 days!]
Kade Purser and Dustin Richardson’s waterfowl season ended with a bang this year. Dustin shot this Nice Drake Mallard, after the retrieve, they saw that it was banded! Turns out, it was banded in Willard in 2007. Two days later hunting the same pond this Stud Pintail came into the decoys, as the dog retrieved they saw the band and were shocked, and the party began! The pintail was Banded in Shamrock, Saskatchawan in 2010. A season ender they won’t soon forget.
And finally our winner tonight is a trio of new mushars. Jason took his girls up to Rockport last week. They fished and tested, for the first time, their home made dog sled he and his daughter Emily made together. They hooked up Kya, their Newfoundland/Husky, to their sled and the girls had a BLAST mushing on the ice! Jason says, they didn’t bring home any fish that day, only great memories. Well Jason, here’s something you can add to that list, our great prize for having, the snapshot of the week.
Remember submit your pictures and a brief explanation of your latest outdoor adventure on-line at KSLTV.com The winner each week will win one of Camp Chef’s new innovative products. Either their new Sherpa Camp Table or the 34 hundred BTU Ranger Stove. Portability and Power from our friends at Camp Chef.
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