[CG :2 LineTracy SampsonDetermined to get the shot!]
We kick it off with a cute, and determined little girl. Tracy’s five year old granddaughter Kambria got into the spirit at this years Delta Snow Goose Festival. She grabbed grandmothers DSLR camera and told her that she wasn’t going to leave until she saw the whole flock of snows get up and fly, one last time.
[CG :2 LineJake JermainFamily that hunts together…]
Jake was fortunate last year and drew a Paunsagaunt archery deer tag. On the fourth day of hunting he and his brother-in-law found this buck and Jake made a great shot. The two ran back to camp to grab the whole family so everyone could share in the experience of walking up to the buck. Jake says, his kids were so excited to help field dress and haul the buck back to camp. Jake says, “The hunt and being able to share it with family is something they’ll talk about forever.”
[CG :2 LineTony AbbottShelby’s turn]
Every year Tony gathers up a group of kids and hauls them down to Arizona for chance at hunting Javalina. This year it was his eleven year old daughter Shelby who got the chance and boy did she make the most it, by making a great shot on her first big game animal, this tasty Javalina.
[CG :2 LineJarrod MurdockBull’s eye]
While hunting spikes down on the Monroe unit last year, Jarrod was enjoying the evening, watching a draw when he noticed this bull headed straight for him. Jarrod grabbed his camera and the bull kept on coming. Finally at 12 feet the bull looked around the tree Jarrod was sitting behind, just as Jarrod snapped this picture as he and bull were face to face. The elk exploded at the sound of the shutter, Jarrod says, it was the closest he’s ever been to a mature bull.
[CG :2 LineDavid HaleWINNER!]
But our winner tonight caught two bucks in a fight for the right to breed. Last November David Hale found these two big bucks squaring off just outside the town of Milleville. He grabbed his camera just as the bucks started to fight and proceeded to take a ton of pictures as the bucks fought for nearly two minutes. David says it was one of the most exciting things he’s ever witnessed in the outdoors. Those are some cool shots David, worthy of our big prize, as you just won our…snapshot of the week.
Remember submit your pictures and a brief explanation of your latest outdoor adventures online at KSLTV.com. The winner each week wins the lightweight and portable Camp Chef Weekender-two burner stove. Plenty of power, great for camping from our friends over at Camp Chef.
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