[CG :2 LineT.J. PottsRainbow Spawn]
In early May thousands of rainbows come back to the shallows to spawn right where they were stocked at Flaming Gorge. TJ and his buddy new this and found the offerings pretty good. As they caught some really nice fish with their fly rods right near the boat ramp.
[CG :2 LineMike TurnbowSunrise @ Swim beach]
Mike, Dave and Mark, were up at this years Flaming Gorge Derby. They say they never miss it. Before the wind picked up, they were able to capture this shot of their three man team as the sun rose near swim beach.
[CG :2 LineRichard HarperBiggest fish to date!]
Richard caught his first ever lake trout at Flaming Gorge and it turns out it was the biggest fish he’s ever caught. Richard says it was the best time he’s ever had. He was so nervous the fish was going to break off, and so excited that he couldn’t stop smiling and shaking. He laker tipped the scales at just over 25 pounds.
[CG :2 LineRobert FischerPineview Rainbow]
Back in May Robert and his six year old son Isaac went to Pineview in hopes of catching a Tiger Muskie. Instead Isaac latched into this twenty five inch, seven pound rainbow on his three foot ice fishing rod! Robert says, he’s never seen or caught a rainbow at Pineview, so they put it back because Pineview rainbows are practically an “endangered species.”
[CG :2 LineBrant LudwigWINNER!]
But our winner tonight took the girls to the berry and came away with a great memory. Brooke and Audrey were excited for their first trip to Strawberry with their cousins, Anna, Halle, and Kate. Who says girls can’t fish? After a little advice from their friend John Beck at Strawberry Bay Marina the girls princess rods never stopped reeling. Dad, Brant says they caught plenty of cutts that lived to see another day, but these three bows went home for a family barbeque. And the next time the Ludwigs take to the berry, they’ll have a brand new stove from Camp Chef to cook their catch, as they just won our snapshot of the week.
Remember submit your pictures and a brief explanation of your latest outdoor adventures online at KSLTV.com. The winner each week wins a Camp Chef two burner Explorer stove. Portability and Power from our friends at Camp Chef.
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